About Me — Hiya I’m Tyler :)

Let’s Make Somy REAL Money Online! (updated May 17, 2024)

Tyler Boufford
2 min readMar 20, 2023

Every week you’ll get lessons on how to build and automate profitable businesses on the internet while actually enjoying what you do.

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Hi there, I’m Tyler! 👋🏼

Since 2015, I’ve been entrenched in the digital world, building businesses that are primarily online-based and revitalizing traditional, old-school businesses with cutting-edge digital marketing systems.

I’ve created multiple 6- and even a 7-figure business right from my living room — no corporate office needed!

These days, I’m laser-focused on the one thing that has made the biggest difference in all of my ventures and driven the most revenue:

writing persuasive & engaging copy that makes brands soar and revenues roar.

Having worn countless hats while building these businesses, I’ve decided to trade them all in for a superhero cape with “Marketing Nerd”…



Tyler Boufford

Once $85.7k in the hole from a business flop, I penned my way to a 6-figure comeback. Now, I craft captivating copy that makes brands soar and revenues roar.