The #1 question I’m asking myself right now…

Tyler Boufford
3 min readMay 17, 2024
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Lately, my thoughts have been darting around like a squirrel zigzagging across a dog park, barely pausing before sprinting off in another direction.

As we hit the middle of Q2 for 2024, I find myself reflecting a lot on what I have (and, let’s be honest, haven’t) accomplished so far this year.

What exactly am I aiming for?
Will I achieve it?

Am I falling behind?
Do I need a course correction?

Am I living the life I truly want?
Or am I building something I’ll soon regret?

Am I working too much? Am I finding joy in what I do?
Do I need more balance?

After nearly a decade entrepreneurial experience, I’ve learned one critical thing:

Perfection is a myth.

There’s always something that can be improved upon.

Truth be told, perfection prevents profits!

Thinking back, managing my own businesses over the years has been quite the rollercoaster.

From the thrill of landing big contracts to the gut-punch of losing clients, and quality service providers, it’s been a wild ride — one that has finally…



Tyler Boufford

Once $85.7k in the hole from a business flop, I penned my way to a 6-figure comeback. Now, I craft captivating copy that makes brands soar and revenues roar.